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The Allergy Epidemic

By 2025, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) predicts half of Europe will suffer from at least one allergy.

Josh Wilde speaks to those affected and explores the reasons behind this startling increase.

Blood Test
Politician News Interview

View the final
documentary below

Video will go live at 15:00 GMT on Thursday 13 December 2018

"We all thought it was really professionally put together and made some very clear and important points. It was a pleasure to be involved."

Doctor Ramesh Kurukulaaratchy

Principal Research Fellow and Consultant in Respiratory Medicine and Allergy

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The People Behind the Documentary


Josh Wilde

Documentary Producer

Josh is a final year Multimedia Journalism student at Bournemouth University. He is producing this documentary as part of his course. His previous work includes broadcast documentaries titled 'Face It, It's Racist' and 'The Price of One Punch'.


Dr Michel Lajeunesse

Leading Allergy Specialist and Paediatric Consultant

Dr Michel is an accredited European Paediatric Allergy Specialist and has also researched allergy treatment. He spoke about what happens when someone has an allergic reaction, why allergy numbers are rising and the impact of the EpiPen shortage.

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Dr Ramesh Kurukulaaratchy

Principal Research Fellow and Consultant in Respiratory Medicine and Allergy

Dr Ramesh is involved in a number of cutting edge research projects at the University Hospital Southampton. He spoke about where we are now with allergy research and its future, and showed us round one of his clinics.


Farah Pop

Fashion Stylist and Allergy Sufferer

Farah is a 29-year-old Manchester fashion stylist who spoke to Josh about living with severe allergies. She described the way it's impacted her life and how times are changing as allergies become more recognised.


Jess Cousins

Scriptwriting Student and Allergy Sufferer

Jess is a second year Scriptwriting student at Bournemouth University. She talks about having an allergic reaction and her wait for an Epipen which could be life-saving in an emergency.

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Mylan Pharmaceutical Company

Major UK Supplier of EpiPens

Mylan supply EpiPens to adults and juniors in the UK. Since May 2018, an manufacturing issue has led to a shortage. Despite repeated attempts, Mylan refused the request of an interview. However, they did provide a statement which will feature in the documentary.

  • Writer's pictureJosh Wilde

Researching the Topic

Once I decided on allergies as my documentary topic, I needed to conduct some research. There has been widespread national media coverage of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse and Celia Marsh, who both died from severe allergic reactions after consuming food sold by Pret A Manger. Unfortunately, this is only part a much larger issue.

A simple online search will show a number of similar deaths due to allergic reactions, caused by many factors. These latest revelations have helped to force a spotlight on a growing problem.

Between 1992 and 2012, there was a 615% increase in hospital admissions for anaphylaxis (Allergy UK). I watched news reports, read articles and families' pleas for change, searched social media and sourced research for statistics and trends.

I contacted the UK's two major allergy and anaphylaxis charities, spoke to the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) in Zurich for a copy of their latest research, and EpiPen supplier Mylan for an interview after the recent shortage. They declined my offer but did provide a statement.

I created a social media campaign find allergy sufferers to talk about their experiences. Subsequently, I organised three interviews that will form a major part of my documentary.

I contacted medical professionals to provide a professional opinion on-camera and looked at the treatments available for people with allergies. My research is ongoing throughout the documentary as I continue to build up a picture of this topic.

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